What: Industrial Inspection, Robot Guidance, Embedded Vision

We address three markets: industrial inspection, robot guidance and embedded vision. Our deliverable is a turn-key computer vision solution, customized for the client's needs, integrated and tested with performance guarantees.


Industrial Inspection

We solve the toughest industrial inspection challenges by applying in-house developed tools and levering the latest Artificial Intelligence techniques. Our technology can perform a wide variety of inspection tasks from high precision metrology to foreign object detection.


Robot Guidance

We provide custom object detection and pose estimation solutions for industrial robots and autonomous guided vehicles. By combining 2D and 3D camera technology, our solutions provide the necessary inputs for complex pick and place operations.


Embedded Vision

Traditional industrial vision systems rely on standalone computers, cameras and lighting in dedicated enclosures. By levering embedded systems technology, we are able to offer highly compact computer vision solutions at aggressive prices.

How: Image Acquisition, Image Processing and Integration

The core functions of our solutions are image acquisition, image processing and integration with surrounding systems. We also deliver peripheral functionality including user interfaces, data logging & analysis and supporting automation.


Image Acquisition

Correct selection of camera sensors, lenses and lighting is critical to a successful computer vision solution. We have an extensive selection of vision equipment in our laboratory which allows rapid prototyping and evaluation to ensure the most appropriate component selection.

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Image Processing

Image processing is the brain of a computer vision solution which assesses incoming images and takes decisions based on their content. We lever internally developed and open source tools to complement commercial libraries, giving a unique capability in the market.



Any computer vision solution needs to be well integrated into its environment. Whether the application is a manufacturing press, an industrial robot or domestic electronics, our solutions can communicate with all protocols and business systems.

Improve Product Quality and Functionality

Contact us for an expert opinion on your computer vision application